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Inclusive Housing

Supportive Government Policy & Programs

What we learned

Government policies and the relationship between the three levels of government can support or hinder aspects of inclusive housing. Notably, related to New Brunswick, we heard issues about: ​

  • Lack of alignment across levels of government
  • Lack of policy tools (e.g. incentives for development)
  • Restrictive policies limiting choice
  • Limited local government authority (they are mostly connected to community)
  • Limited voice of persons with experience in shaping policy

Priority actions from our roadmap

Priority Action 1

Develop an Inclusive Housing Policy Strategy targeting (provincial) policy gaps and opportunities to align and focus existing advocacy efforts. (*A task of the proposed Provincial Inclusive Housing Coalition.)

Immediate Priority: Develop a provincial, multi-stakeholder call to action requesting GNB to change current policies restricting co-habitation of persons in receipt of Disability Income Assistance.

Priority Action 2

Create a Municipal-level, cross sector and multipopulation Inclusive Housing Working Group as a working group of the existing City of Fredericton Affordable Housing Committee. Evaluate and explore ways to replicate in other communities.

Inclusive Housing Webinar Series

To be announced

Examples of Supportive Government Policy & Programs Initiatives

Montreal’s 20-20-20 Housing Development Bylaw ↗

Montreal Bylaw enacted to encourage affordable, social, and family housing development.

Know of a supportive policy or program related to inclusive housing? Want to connect with one of the groups working on the action plan?

Our Housing Coordinator is here to help!

Get in touch!