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L'Arche Canada

in Quebec

There are eight communities in Quebec:

Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Capitale-Nationale, Lanaudière, Montérégie, Montréal, Outaouais, Saint-Malachie and Trois-Rivières

The L’Arche communities in Canada provide a range of individualized supports that help each person live a meaningful life, develop their abilities, contribute their gifts, and achieve their goals.

The communities vary in size, history and local flavour, yet they have a common spirit of welcome, joy and celebration. Members all share in decision-making, chores, activities and the life of the community as they desire and are able.

The eight Quebec communities are currently comprised of 23 houses that are home to more than 130 people with intellectual disabilities. Throughout these communities, a wide variety of workshops and activities welcome nearly 200 participants every day — they dig vegetable gardens, make flower boxes, paint and do woodwork; they sell bouquets of garlic and tomatoes, disinfect daycare toys, play soccer and mow lawns. They even make pastry and ice fish! And the list goes on…

English Map of L'Arche Communities across Canada
Make a difference at L'Arche

Come Work with Us!

  • In our world friendship matters.
  • L’Arche has a distinct spirit where persons with intellectual disabilities and assistants truly share life with one another.
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