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L'Arche Canada Foundation

Support L'Arche today!

With your help, we can build a more compassionate, more human society.

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Imagine a world where eveyone belongs.

L’Arche Canada Foundation is the fundraising arm for L’Arche. Our mission is to inspire Canadians to invest in a better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities. We invest our donor’s contributions to provide the best support available on a local and global scale.

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30 Communities

In nine provinces, from coast to coast.

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1 Voice

Advocacy with national partners to promote the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities as valued citizens and leaders.

L'Arche Canada
158+ L'Arche Communities worldwide

Part of an international federation in 37 countries, and growing.

L'Arche International
Our Impact Today

L'Arche Canada at a Glance

L’Arche Canada is a national leader in building communities of inclusion and belonging for people of all abilities.

  • 30 communities in nine provinces from coast to coast
  • Over 900 participants in a wide range of programs: visual and performing arts, crafts, music, supported employment, social enterprise initiatives, and recreational activities
  • 110 homes and apartments providing housing for over 500 people
  • Ongoing learning and leadership development for people with intellectual disabilities and those who work with them
  • Advocacy with national partners to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities as valued citizens and leaders

The impact of L'Arche

In Canada and around the world, L’Arche is taking a leading role in the movement for inclusion and belonging, where people with and without intellectual disabilities live, work, learn and grow together.

Our Vision and Values

Outline of 3 people
A Vibrant Community

We share an extraordinary life in community of welcome, celebration, traditions, togetherness and belonging.

icon of three blue balloons
Celebration of the Value of Each Person

We appreciate each person for their unique way of being; we listen to and respect each person’s wishes and preferences.

puzzle pieces fitting together
Openness to Mutual Relationships

We develop life-changing friendships where each of us gives and each of us receives.

How your donation helps.

With the generosity of donors across Canada, the Foundation raises funds to support the mission of L’Arche Canada.

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