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Inclusive Housing

Elements of Inclusive Housing

Key elements of inclusive housing

The Inclusive Housing Framework

The elements of the Inclusive Housing Framework work together. Applying just one element of the Framework to a residential development or municipal plan will not result in an improved sense of inclusion and belonging. The Framework emphasizes the importance of choice and voice in housing. This means that people should have a say in where they live, who they live with, and how they live. 

  • Resident diversity (age, income, culture, etc)
  • Community access and participation
  • Sociable (built form) design
  • Affordable, stable and safe
  • Neighbourly connections and mutual support
  • Resident choice and control over their living space
Supportive factors

Supportive Factors

Along with the six elements of the inclusive housing framework, there are factors which enhance inclusive housing initiatives:

  • Partnerships
  • Scaling potential
  • Local government inclusive policy/ programs
  • Access to land and or funding
Are you involved in an inclusive housing initiative? Want to connect with one of the groups working on the action plan?

Our Housing Coordinator is here to help!

Get in touch!